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About Us


Mission Statement

To grow, to grow others, increasing heaven's population!

Vision Statement

To become spiritually strong, soul winning, community changing, culture shapers for Christ

Click below to view our core biblical beliefs 

Michael Martin

Lead pastor

Michael and his wife Carrie have 5 kids and moved to Buckeye in 2010. He loves this community and they've definitely established roots here. It is their desire to see changed lives and a changed community. He has been in ministry for 20 plus years. You can't name something he hasn't done at one time or another. He has been a youth minister, childrens church leader, hospitality pastor, teaching pastor, church janitor, and church landscaper. His heart is to serve and he'd love to serve you if you'd allow him to be your pastor. 

    Come visit to hear him preach a positive, encouraging, life charging message every week.


Carrie Martin

Children's Church Leader

Carrie is no stranger to ministry. She has served the church her entire life. She loves music as she is currently studying to obtain a music education degree and she sings on Refuge's worship team. She has a heart for the missions field and she's visited many countries. In more recent years she has been mom to her 5 kids. Carrie loves children and understands the value this next generation has. Carrie always steps up to whatever God has for her in any given season. She is an amazing woman of God and would love an opportunity to help lead your children as they grow in their relationship with Jesus.

Josiah Martin

Worship Leader

Josiah is young, but the call God has on his life is evident. He is a very talented musician, but more importantly he loves Jesus. On a weekly basis he leads our congregation with passionate worship. Much of the time our worship is more contemporary, but Josiah realizes that God is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Our worship sets are designed to please all generations so don't be surprised if we sing an older song every now and then. Nostalgia feels good sometimes. 

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